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Branded Packs
Apart from offering off-the-shelf products such as egg trays and apple trays , we do provide service to custom designed molded paper/ fibre pulp products for packaging industry.
For Display
Our produce trays are made with the use of latest conventional pulp fibre moulding equipment and unique after-pressing technology to achieve fantastic results. Whether you find them in a shopping mall, super market, exhibition – they are all time faithful trays.
Customized or Standard Egg Trays
Custom designed pulp packaging can be used to safely transport and protect a range of items, from electrical and chemical items to fruit and vegetables. Contact us for special packaging Egg Tray Size No. of Eggs Egg Trag 15 1/2 lbs Egg Tray Egg Tray 16 1/2 lbs 30 Egg…
Regular Apple Trays
Our apple trays are incredibly worth because of its weight, durability and maintenance. Please find below the table for sizes </ Size by Count Number of Pockets per Tray Approx. Size by Diameter (inches) Number of Layers Trays required for each carton 80 A or B 20 3 3/8 4+1…
Customized Apple Trays
We maintain high standard of quality and understand the fact that trays that are fragile can create problems for apple packers with extra load of packing. Please find below the table of contents: Size by Count Number of Pockets per Tray Approx. Size by Diameter (inches) Number of Layers Trays…
Secure Apple Packaging
AppleĀ trays made from fibre at Magna are available to apple packers to compete against the heavy wooden boxes. Our trays are designed in such a way to make sure to protect apples by inverting one tray on the top of another. Please find below the table of contents: Size…
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Daziy Millar
Android Programmer
Rosy Janner
Java Developer
Mike Hussy
Data Scientist
Tom Steven
Server Administrator
David Lee
PHP Expert
Latest Posts
Apple packaging strategy
February 2, 2021
Apple production in Kashmir Kashmir produces more than 75% of apples in India.…
Apple Trays in sustainable packaging’s
January 2, 2021
Moulded fibre has emerged as a solution to many packaging problems in food…
Changing the Face of Packaging
December 14, 2020
Changing the Face of Packaging. When we go to the supermarkets, we see…
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